August 19 birthday dah tiba alhamdulilah
mana tak suka birthday taim raya excited terlampau haha

thanks my beloved mama,bapa and my sibling everything uols giving is.


to those yang wishes my birthday kat blog, fb (walaupun dah berabad aku tak login baru tadi aku login! hehe), my twet, my personal email...terima kasih beribu riban uols memang the best.

and to those sending sms and give present thanks alot guys much appreciated.

" lastly congrate my beloved dad sebab naik pangkat all the best and success always dad....
Tabik kat Polis Diraja Brunei khusus semua rakan setugas my dad at Istana Nurul Izzah Jerudong uols memang awesome and superb uncleZzzz "


  1. happy advance bufday..
    do u celebrate @empire because i saw u lobby hotel?! u so cute seriously

  2. selamat menyambut ulang tahun esuk dik dan takniah utk bapa dik rezeki naik pangakt bertambah2 masyuk lah nie hehe

  3. hapi advance bufday dear,Celebrate katne?

  4. salam,
    seronoknya birthday waktu perayaan doakan moga panjang umur,sehat selalu,sukses hendaknya. takniah jgk bpa bie bila nak belanja hehe.
    salam kat family.

  5. i saw u at empire hotel u so vogue and sweet.
    hpi advance bufday may allah bless u.

  6. tinggal 30minit lebih je lagi HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY DEAR....sayang selalu :)
    TQ angkat panggilan saya selamat menyambut 12 tengahmalam nanti jaga diri

  7. happy birthday may allah bless u and thanks alot dear invited me last nite.much fun party.
    on thursday,i'll be go back kL hope see u at airport.

  8. salam syawal buat Bie serta kaum kerabat bie moga mendapat keberkatan dibulan syawal nie.
    Bie happy birthday to you and i pray may allah bless you always. then congratulation to your dad bie i'm pround him.

  9. terima kasih lai jamput kami semalam best banar bah. dishes pun nyaman2 siap kami tapau lagi hihi.

  10. happy birthday.. semoga dipanjangkan usia dan dirahmati oleh Allah selalu.. :D

  11. Salam Syawal Bieaz..

    Terlewat ummi singgah, happy belated birthday Bieaz, moga sentiasa dalam rahmat kasih sayang Allah SWT.
    Tahniah juga buat ayah Bieaz.

  12. happy belated bday dear. moga panjang umur dan murah rezeki
    wah bulan ogos jugak yea. sama ngan sis.


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